at HOME Victoria

A second fridge will make entertaining easier – when we can entertain again

Eventually, we are going to get to a point where people can once again congregate and when that point arrives it is best to be prepared. Having a second fridge around the home helps avoid over-stocking; cramming too much into a refrigerator can hinder its performance and reduce the time it takes before the food stored within begins to spoil. 

A second fridge also makes it easy to ensure you have all the drinks you need on hand without taking up the valuable real estate that is keeping your food fresh and preserved. And, adding a fridge that has freezer space gives you lots of room to store the ice that will help keep those drinks cold.

It’s amazing the difference an additional 14 to 17 cubic feet of space — about the size of a fridge for a condo or apartment — can make.

A second fridge can be placed all around the home: 

The 14.8-cubic-foot bottom-mount Hisense RB15 is the ideal secondary fridge around the home. Beautifully designed with reversible doors, the RB15 is packed with advanced performance features like a multi-function touch control panel, electronic temperature control and a holiday power-save function. Easy side drawers, adjustable glass shelves and large fruit and vegetable crispers provide unmatched convenience. For more information, please visit

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