at HOME Victoria

Fireplaces for Kris Kringle’s Big Night

In many ways, the fireplace is the centrepiece of holiday traditions.

It’s where chestnuts are roasted over an open fire. Stockings are hung there with care. It is the home of the burning Yule log. It is a source of warmth and comfort when the days are short and the nights are long and cold.

And, as popularized in the classic Clement Cark Moore poem A Visit From St. Nicholas, the fireplace is the main point of entry for that endearing symbol of the secular celebration, jolly old Santa Claus.

There was a time when fireplaces were in every home, both as the source of heat and as a place to cook. But as the world urbanized, they became less common. But modern innovations have made it easy for any home of any size to have a fireplace as a focal point of your living space — and once again a central part of the holiday celebration.

Among the choices with a great holiday vibe:

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