Home Interior Design Furniture & Accessories Vancouver-based artist & studio owner hosts solo show honoring shared COVID experience

Vancouver-based artist & studio owner hosts solo show honoring shared COVID experience


What: “Together is Always Better” solo art show

Who: Donna Giraud, Vancouver-based artist & studio owner

Why: Regardless of your upbringing or core values, everyone has COVID-19 in common. Never has there been    an event in history the whole world has experienced together on this level. Everyone can relate, and artist Donna Giraud didn’t want this profound commonality to go unnoticed or underappreciated. Donna’s 8 new pieces for   the show are based on hope, connection, kindness, unity and the belief that moving forward is always better together. Bookings for the  appointment-only show are  now open via Donna’s website. Please note: Only 2   people will be allowed to book per time slot & proper social distancing precautions will be in place.

When: Saturday, September 12, by appointment only

Where: The Space Gallery (1063 Hamilton Street, Vancouver)