Home Lifestyle Power To Be Programs Make a Difference Year Round

Power To Be Programs Make a Difference Year Round

Donate So You Can Too


Everyone belongs in nature and the adventure doesn’t end with one program. For Adam Bishop, his third program via a TrailRider with Power To Be was as much about pushing himself as it was about teamwork to see where the group could go together.

Power To Be has provided inspiring programs such as Adam’s since 1998. Your continued support makes these programs possible for more than 1,100 people annually. Become a monthly donor to ensure more people can experience inclusive adventures, year round.

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Who Your Money Helps

Our programs empower people to see what is possible in nature, building self confidence and connections with others as they explore. Whether an individual is living with a physical, cognitive, social or financial barrier, your support ensures they can access nature.

Stay connected to your impact by following us on Facebook and Twitter, or visit powertobe.ca.