Home Lifestyle Tips & DIY Getting ready to move into your dorm with You Move Me

Getting ready to move into your dorm with You Move Me



Making the move to college, and into a new dorm, is an exciting and fun experience for your teen, but it can also be nerve wracking and a little daunting. Questions inevitably arise over what to pack and how much? What will their roommate bring, and what will their shared space look like?

To help quell any first-day nerves, You Move Me has put together the following tips to take some of the stress out of moving to college.

Reach Out

Have your teen reach out to his or her future roommate(s). Prior to arriving on campus you will likely be given their name and contact information. Reaching out is a great way to not only introduce yourself and break the ice, but discuss who will be bringing what to the room. If a decision is made to split the cost of larger ticket items (such as a mini-fridge or television), be sure to make an agreement over who will keep the item come summer holidays.

Pack Smartly

Now is the perfect opportunity to go through your teen’s wardrobe and catalogue items as either “keep”, “store”, or “donate.” Anything that they haven’t worn in the past year can be given away.

Sort and organize the remaining items into what can be taken immediately, and what should be shipped or picked up later. Your teen won’t need heavy winter clothes at the beginning of August – they can be packed and stored until the weather turns colder.

Sort and Organize

Your teen may want to just sling stuff into random boxes, but a great way to ensure they settle in easily is to have them organize their items into well-marked, individual boxes: clothing in one box, bedding in another. Follow this up with a closet organizer and shoe rack for easy unpacking.

Bring tools

A simple tool kit with a basic hammer, screwdrivers and pliers will help with any moving-day repairs and projects. Plus, you can leave the tools with your child, so that they have them there in cause of an emergency. Bring a roll of duct tape and pushpins for taping down extension cords and hanging pictures.

Keep it Comfortable

Photos of friends, pieces of art, favourite blankets, and a comfortable chair will make a new environment feel like home. There won’t be much space, but you can incorporate photos, linen, and even a signature piece like an armchair, without taking up too much room.

Stephanie Hopkins is the owner of You Move Me Vancouver Island. You Move Me moves people on Vancouver Island, and is headquartered in beautiful Victoria, BC.