Home Lifestyle Tips & DIY You Move Me’s Tips on Moving Large Appliances

You Move Me’s Tips on Moving Large Appliances


Moving TipsYou’ve just purchased a new home, congratulations! Moving into a new house is exciting and exhilarating, but can be tricky, especially depending on how much you will be moving to your new space.

You Move Me

So for anyone with an upcoming move who knows that they will be moving everything AND the kitchen sink, read on for You Move Me’s tips on how to best move heavy appliances:

Washing Machine

First and foremost, thoroughly clean and dry your machine. Next, check your manufacturer’s operational manual on how to prevent tipping or swaying. You don’t want any mistakenly crushed toes, or dented machinery! Finally, disconnect all hoses and wrap them in a towel to prevent any loss or damage. Place them inside of the washer for safe transport (and that way you won’t forget which box in which you’ve packed them.)


Similar to its twin the washing machine, you will want to make sure that your dryer is clean prior to transport (just be sure to first unplug, or disconnect/turn it off from its power source!) Definitely be sure to check that your new residence has the correct electrical requirements for the dryer to ensure set up is easy. Don’t forget to empty the lint trap!


Be sure to thoroughly clean and dry your dishwasher (there seems to be a pattern emerging with large appliances!) A great tip is to leave the door open for a few days prior to your move as this will ensure it’s free of any moisture prior to transport.

Disconnect all drain hoses and wrap them in packing paper or towels and place inside the machine for safe keeping.


Take time to clean the appliance, both the top elements and inside of the stove. Some appliances are self-cleaning, but it’s always beneficial to take the time to purchase oven cleaner, and give it a really good scrubbing.

Next, remove all detachable parts. Mark each part with a description about where it goes, tape any partner parts together, and pack safely in a well-marked box.

If you have a gas range, have it disconnected by a qualified technician. Upon arrival at your new home, your technician will connect you to a new line, check your gas supply, seal all openings, and light the pilot.

Refrigerator and Freezer

Defrost, clean, and dry thoroughly. Be sure to take your time with the freezer. The last thing you want is to have liquid leak all over your moving van, and it’s always nice to move into a new house with a clean, shiny refrigerator. Dispose of all perishables (check for expiration dates)! Turn off water and disconnect the water line if you have a water dispenser or ice machine. Pack all loose/removable parts together in a well-marked box.

Take your time to care for any appliance you are moving to a new home. It will save you the time of cleaning or looking for spare parts once you’re settled. Let us know if you have any questions, we’d love to help!