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Tips for Gifting Electronics

Some things to think about when checking off your shopping list

couple wraping christmas gifts

Year in and out, home electronics are among the most popular gifts given during the holiday season.

That is especially true in the digital information age. From personal speakers to smart watches to video game systems to new televisions, chances are there is some form of electronics device on most wish lists.

It also helps that electronics are relatively easy to shop for…. If you know what you want to buy. To help ease the process — for both yourself and the intended recipient of the gift — Hisense Canada is offering some advice.

As they say, it is the thought that counts. So here are some things to think about when checking off your list:

  • Beat the Rush — Shop early, especially in this COVID-economy. Shopping early gives you a better chance of finding exactly what you want, will increase the odds that the inventory exists and will make it more likely that it is in your possession before your gift-giving deadline.
  • Gift the Receipt — Do more than just hold on to the receipt; it’s a wise idea to include it as part of the gift. With most electronics, the recipient will need it to register and validate their warranty. And you absolutely want them to register and validate the warranty.
  • Research the Retailer — Doubling down on the bit about the warranty, you want to make sure there actually is one for them to register and validate. Even if you are on the website of a trusted retailer, some of them offer a “Marketplace” where third-party vendors can peddle their wares. And quite often, a deal seen here that is too good to be true, is exactly that. They may be selling a model that is discontinued, refurbished or from another country. And in each of these cases, the manufacturer’s warranty is no longer valid. When you find the item you want to buy, note the product number and cross reference that on the manufacturer’s website.
  • Get the Right Fit — OK, so it’s not like buying a T-Shirt and knowing what will physically fit. But you want a device to fit into the recipient’s lifestyle. For example, if you are looking to get someone a TV to fit into their smart home system, it would be helpful to know what kind of system they are operating. For example, a television equipped with AndroidTV streaming is best suited with Google Home; or you know their current TV stand will fit the footprint of the TV you’re looking at – unless you’re going to gift that, too!
  • Know Your Audience — Or, at least, the person  you are giving it to. If they are a die-hard video gamer, make sure the TV has the speed to keep up with their action. If they aren’t overly tech savvy, keep it simple — will that smart watch help their lives, or frustrate them to no end? If they have a small apartment, or are a student in a communal living space, make sure the gift will physically fit in their living space.

For more information, please visit hisense-canada.com.