Home Weekend DIY Framing a Room’s Point of View

Framing a Room’s Point of View


Any room in your home, but particularly the wall behind your sofa and the wall behind your bed, are perfect candidates for using moulding to frame your room and create a new point of interest.
Step 1: Determine Which Type of Crown Moulding to Use
Step 2: Cut the Corners of the Moulding
Step 3: Measure and Mark the Wall
Step 4: Cut the First Measured Piece
Step 5: Cut the Next Piece to Fit an Inside Corner
Step 6: Understand How the Pieces Fit Together
Step 7: Cut the Moulding at a 45-Degree Angle
Step 8: Cope the Joint
Step 9: Check the Fit
Step 10: Attach the Moulding to the Wall
Step 11: Make Mitre Cuts for the Outside Corners
Step 12: Use Optional Corner Blocks

For more detailed instructions, check out our friends at the DIY Network