Home Interior Design Furniture & Accessories 5 Easy DIY Holiday Decoration Ideas from Meghan

5 Easy DIY Holiday Decoration Ideas from Meghan


DIY (like the holidays) is about having FUN making cute things, so have some fun with it! I love these DIY’s because you can totally cater them to what you like, and they don’t even have to be just Christmas themed at all! Use whatever things you have on hand! Your favourite candies, or put something else in your snow globe! The options are endless, these are just what I did for my apartment during the holiday season! (see below the video for supplies list)

Mason Jar Snow Globes:
-Mason Jars (any sizes, from Michaels)
-Holiday Figurines (from Michaels)
-Faux Snow/Glitter (from Michaels)
-3600 Glue/whatever you like! (Target)
& Just add water! *You can also add Glycerin if you want the “snow” to fall slower! I just couldn’t find any!

Bubble Fairy Lights:
-Ping Pong Balls (Target or any sporting store)
-a Pen! *Or any other sharp object to make an incision, BUT BE CAREFUL!
-String of Christmas Lights (Target) *this could also be pretty on a tree!!

Festive Candy Stands:
-Candle Stick Holders (Target)
-Lidded Jars (Michaels)
-Wooden Letters (Michaels)
-Thick Ribbon (Michaels)
-Thin Ribbon (Michaels)
-Festive Candy (I did Candy Canes, Red & Green M&M’s and Peppermint Marshmallows)
-3600 Glue/whatever you like! (Target)

Chalkboard Christmas Countdown:
-Picture Frame (Target)
-Chalkboard Paint (Michaels)
-Paintbrush (Michaels)
-Chalk (Target)

Glitter Candles:
-Candles (any shape/size/color, from Michaels)
-Mode Podge (Michaels)
-Sponge Applicator (Michaels)
-Glitter (any shape/size/color, from Michaels)
-Tape (Target)
-Paper Plate (Or any other protective surface to make it less messy! From Target)