Home Lifestyle Food Duncan Winery to Help Feed Cowichan Valley Children

Duncan Winery to Help Feed Cowichan Valley Children

One dollar from every Blue Grouse wine sold in April will go to Nourish Cowichan


For the month of April, Blue Grouse Estate Winery will donate $1 from every bottle of wine sold, to the Nourish Cowichan Society. This applies to Blue Grouse and Quill wines sold at the winery, retail, and restaurants.

In addition to giving $1 per bottle sold, the Brunner family, owners of Blue Grouse Winery, will match every donation dollar for dollar. With April being BC Wine month, it is a great time to support BC wineries and farmers, and what a bonus to be able to also help a charitable organisation that needs it so much.

Nourish Cowichan was created to feed children in need, in the Cowichan Valley school district, the maternity clinic at the Cowichan District Hospital, and three daycares. It’s hard to imagine that the Cowichan Valley has the highest rate of child poverty on Vancouver Island, a staggering 30%. This is the second highest in British Columbia. Many of the children affected by hunger were going to school without breakfast and the only food they would receive was at school through the Nourish Cowichan program. Now that schools are closed and lessons halted, these children are going hungry.

“While there are many deserving charitable organisations and societies that will require support through the Covid-19 pandemic,” notes Blue Grouse Estate Winery owner Paul Brunner, “Blue Grouse and our family will commit to helping our local community, and those most in need in that community.”

The Nourish Cowichan Society works hard to protect and feed families at risk where parents may have lost their income, and provide emergency hampers with donated non-perishable items, supermarket gift cards, and more. They need your support whether through a wine purchase or otherwise. “We believe every child should be given the same opportunities to learn and succeed,” notes Brunner. “We hope to help by supporting Nourish Cowichan, so they can combat hunger with nutritious, locally produced food.”