Home Lifestyle What's On Victoria Guide on Buying a Chainsaw

Guide on Buying a Chainsaw


There are people who have a hard time in making the right choice while buying chainsaws. There are many factors that one should consider. The first factor that a buyer should consider before making the decision is if they know how to use the chainsaw. A buyer has to also confirm that the chainsaw is well balanced. The chainsaw has to be safe to use also. The buyer should ensure the chainsaw has features of safety that have been previewed and tried before. The chainsaw also has to be environmental friendly and therefore the buyer has to make sure the chainsaw is obeying the environmental rules and whether it can be maintained easily without complications.

This article will dive a guide on how one can buy a chainsaw using a variety of the types of chainsaws that are there.

1. Pole saws

This chainsaw is small in size. It is mostly used for pruning and getting rid of the limbs from trees that are not big in size. The handles of pole saws can be increased in length. These saws can be found in different varieties even though there is no difference between these pole saws. The pole saws can get their source of power from gasoline, models that are corded and the cordless models. The Remington is one of the best pole saws. It is easy to maintain since it does not use any amount oil. However, it is heavy to carry compared to an earthwise electric chainsaw and one requires the experience and enough knowledge on how to use it. The pole saws are durable cost friendly. They can be found on online shops or websites owned by the manufacturers.

2. Standard chainsaws

These chainsaws have the most power. They are mostly used for cutting trees and limbs that are not thin. While using this chainsaw to trim branches of a tree that are high, one requires a ladder.

They can be classified further into three based on their source of power:

  • Shop gas chainsaws – These chainsaws use gas as its main source of power. To maintain these chainsaws is easy. During cutting, the oiler lubricates the chains automatically. They also have a spring that helps to decrease the force of pulling that is required to initiate the gasoline chainsaws. They are cost friendly and can be found from manufacturer’s websites and online stores.
  • Shop electric chainsaws – They use power from the electricity. They are also very powerful machines. They are easy to maintain. The chains that cuts can be changed easily using the chain adjustment. These saws can be found in electronic shops and from online stores at fair prices.
  • Shop battery chainsaws – The main source of power is the use of battery. They also have a case used to carry the chainsaw for safety purposes. They are easy to maintain and can be found in online electronic shops and websites. These chainsaws are affordable.

To buy the right chainsaw to buy one has to consider their strength, the source of power the chainsaw uses, the safety measures of using a chainsaw and its maintenance. This helps in picking the right choice and one can get to enjoy using a chainsaw of their choice while cutting and pruning.