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Poison Prevention Week – Stats & Tips from First Alert


Poison Prevention Week (March 15-21, 2020) is a quintessential time to alert readers to the various potential hazards that can be found in their home – many of which are impossible to detect but can cause serious harm and even be deadly. 

Here are a few common household dangers along with simple tips and inexpensive tools from First Alert, the most trusted brand in home safety, to help readers guard against accidental poisoning:

  • Carbon Monoxide (CO) –This colorless, odorless gas is responsible for tens of thousands of emergency room visits every year, yet more than a third of Canadian homes do not have a CO alarm. A carbon monoxide alarm is the only way to be prepared for a CO emergency. The National Fire Protection Association recommends installing an alarm on every level of the home, including the basement, and one near every sleeping area.
  • Radon –Just like CO, you can’t see, smell or taste radonand it’s commonly found in homes – in some cases at levels harmful enough to cause serious illness and even death. In fact, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers so this threat must be taken seriously.First Alert offersa simple do-it-yourself radon test kit for just $14.99 to help ensure your home is safe.
  • Medications –Forty-eight percent of homes contain medications that can be misused, according to Drug Free Kids Canada. These medications often aren’t stored properly to prevent them from being ingested by curious children and experimenting teens. Store all medications out of reach of children and preferably in a locked cabinet. One ideal solution is a digital security box that can keep drugs locked up and passcode protected.