Home Lifestyle Crush your 2021 Fitness Goals

Crush your 2021 Fitness Goals


2021 is almost here, so for those who want to start off the new year with a fitness plan, Fitness World’sDirector of Fitness Education Logan Dube has shared four tips to help you crush your 2021 fitness goals. While you may have some lofty goals, Logan has curated tips to ensure you ease back into your fitness routine safely.

1.  Start with a goal session

At Fitness World, Goal Sessions are free and are a great way to see what your current fitness level is. Fitness World staff can help set appropriate goals and help you get a sense of what your workout program should look like.

2.  Know your cardio baseline

Everyone needs an aerobic cardio baseline no matter what type of goal they have. On a scale of 1-10 in terms of effort, you should, at a minimum, be able to work at 6/10 for 20 minutes. That can be a great  place to start – walking on the treadmill, using the elliptical or bike or even going for a brisk walk   outside.

3.  Move better

Move better — feel great. Posture and stretching is another great place to start. Do some stretches at home every morning or every night. Try out some yoga classes or even foam roll while watching TV.

4.  Get moving

What’s your daily step count? What can you do to increase it? If you’re at less than 5,000, start by getting to 6,000 a day. Then go for 8,000. After a couple of weeks can you do 10,000 daily? In addition, try some cues to help you to stand up every hour – if you spend a lot of time sitting, even just two minutes standing/moving each hour is great for your body.

For those looking to get a head start on their 2021 fitness goals, visit fitnessworld.ca.