Home Lifestyle Art Galleries The Gallery at Mattick’s Farm

The Gallery at Mattick’s Farm

April Pondsford

“From Reality to Abstraction”
March 31st – May 4th
Public Reception Saturday April 4th 1-4

April PondsfordCanadian born from Prince Rupert, British Columbia, “where the wilderness is breathtaking”, gave me my world view of the natural world, fueling my creativity today.

My interest lies in the abstract qualities of painting with absolute freedom my perception, and appreciation of nature. From a creative impulse I tap into a channel of intuitive senses reaching for unforeseen and subliminal places.

My compositions are a study in layers and hidden messages of thought~provoking images. I am always looking for the essence of something, never settling for what is on the surface, always looking for what’s beyond in all those in~between spaces.

I knowingly precede to create vibrant, emotional works with harmony, and to reveal those ominous, divine, poignant moments of our fragile existence.

april-pondsford2In a way, my body of cohesive work which, with every new addition, is defining my style in an increasingly precise manner, is also translating fragments of my life.

My paintings in Japan, Portugal, and across North America.